Q: What do you use to edit your BG's?
A: Picnik Premium.
Q: Can you make me one?
A: Of course! :D
Q: Do I have to pay for it?
A: With money? No. With a subscription? Yes.
Q: Will giving me a BG require my e-mail?
A: Yes. But if you're not comfortable doing that, creating a new e-mail is simple. For example, I do not use my real e-mail with my BG Business.
Q: Can I send you pics to use in my BG?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you make BG's with your own pics?
A: Most of the time. Sometimes I can't because the theme a "customer" has requested, I cannot take a picture of.
Q: How do I know your BG's are any good?
A: Do yourself a big ole favour and look below at BG's I've made for other people. =)

Need I show you more? ;)